Privacy Notice

    Concord Resolutions is a mediation company dedicated to providing resolutions services to clients across Northern Ireland.

    Concord Resolutions recognise the importance of protecting personal and confidential information in all that we do.

    Concord Resolutions use personal information. This Privacy Notice provides a summary of how we use your information in line with the General Data Protection Regulation. To ensure that we process your personal data fairly and lawfully we are required to inform you of:

    • What personal information we collect
    • Why we collect personal information
    • How it will be used
    • Who it will be shared with
    • How long it will be kept for
    • What rights you have in relation to the personal information we collect

    It is important that you read this privacy notice together with any other privacy notice or fair processing notice we may provide on specific occasions when we are collecting or processing personal data about you so that you are fully aware of how and why we are using your data.

    The law says we can use your personal information only if we have a proper reason to do so. It gives you certain rights which are contained in the Appendix

    Concord Resolutions processe a range of personal information across its different areas of work. The information that Concord Resolutions may hold includes:

    • names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses
    • family details, for example next of kin details
    • employment details, for example, salary, HSC service information, sickness absence and other absence information
    • details held in personnel files
    • Property details
    • financial details
    • details of nationality
    • information to verify identity

    Concord Resolutions may also process ’special categories’ of information:

    • racial or ethnic origin
    • political opinions
    • religious or philosophical beliefs
    • information concerning health
    • medical records (including mental health)
    • social care records
    • information concerning sexual life / sexual orientation

    We collect this information from you in phone or face-to-face interviews, contact forms, from other parties involved, from legal advisers when authorised to do so, from experts retained, from medical notes and records, from court documents, from your other advisers e.g. financial advisers, from health trusts, educational establishments, from official records, from employers and statutory bodies and also any other person you authorise us to speak to.

    Identity and Contact Data from publicly available sources such as Companies House and the Electoral Register based inside the EU

    If you do not provide personal information, we may not be able to:

    • provide mediation services to you;
    • continue to provide mediation services to you

    What we use your personal information for

      • To manage our relationship with you
      • To communicate with you about services you have requested
      • To provide you with services requested
      • To manage how we work with other parties that provide services to us and our clients
      • To comply with regulations that apply to us
      • To respond to complaints and seek to resolve them
      • To run our business in an efficient and proper way
      • This includes managing our financial position, business capability, planning, communications, structure and audit and accounting
      • To exercise our rights and responsibilities as set out in agreements or contracts
      • To use our professional skills and expertise to provide mediation services to you
      • Processing necessary for the establishment and management of mediation services to you

    Our Reasons for Processing

        • Fulfilling contracts
        • Our legal duty
        • Your consent
        • Our legitimate interests

    Our Legitimate interests (where applicable)

      • Keeping our records up to date
      • Telling you about our services
      • Being efficient about how we fulfil our professional duties
      • Being efficient about how we fulfil our legal and contractual duties
      • Complying with regulations that apply to us
      • Being efficient about how we fulfil our legal and contractual duties
      • Providing a professional service
      • Carrying out professional duties
      • Complying with professional regulation

    A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer by your web browser. This is used to collect information about your web use and helps us to provide you with a better and more personalised service. Some of the cookies which we use are essential so that our website works efficiently.

    However, we do not use cookies to store personal information about individual users or to personally identify any individual. Our use of cookies does not pose any threat to your personal privacy nor does it in any way compromise the security of your computer.

    We also use Google Analytics to track users so that we can monitor usage of our website and compile reports on activity. This information is collected anonymously and does not identify any individual user. The sort of information we collect relates to website trends including the number of visitors to our website, the pages visited, typical length of stay, average number of pages viewed and how visitors have come to our site, all of which helps us improve our website for you.

    Our website search is powered by WordPress. Search queries and results are logged anonymously to help us improve our website and search functionality. No user-specific data is collected by either Concord Resolutions or any third party.

    Concord Resolutions uses a third-party service to help maintain the security and performance of the website. To deliver this service it processes the IP addresses of visitors to the Concord Resolutions website.

    We protect email traffic in line with best practice. You should be aware that if you do not have relevant protection any emails we send or receive may not be protected in transit

    We have to hold the details of the people who have requested our services in order to provide those services. However, we only use these details to provide the service the person has requested and for other closely related purposes.

    Concord Resolutions will only share your information in order to provide the mediation services requested by you or in furtherance of those services. This information is shared in line with the General Data Protection Regulation. This means that those receiving your information cannot do anything with your personal information unless we have instructed them to do it. They are not entitled to share your personal information with any organisation apart from us. They are under an obligation to hold it securely and retain it for the period we instruct.

    In many circumstances we will not disclose personal data without consent. However, when we act for you we may need to share personal information with other relevant parties. We will do this where necessary for the purpose we are retained balancing relevant considerations.

    The people we may share your data with include

    • Your authorised representatives
    • Third parties with whom we need to share your information to facilitate transactions or proceedings you have requested;
    • Parties you ask us to share your information with
    • Service providers who provide us with support services
    • Statutory and regulatory bodies e.g. legal services agency
    • Healthcare professional and medical consultants
    • Outside assessors

    You can get further information on agreements we have with other parties/bodies/organisations for sharing information.

    In certain circumstances we can pass on information without consent e.g. to prevent and detect crime and to produce anonymised statistics.

    Our staff have been trained on how to collect use and delete personal data and how to check that information we hold is accurate and up to date.

    How long we hold your data for is subject to the type of mediation service provided to you

    Ultimately, your file will be destroyed without reference to you unless you notify us that you wish to retain some part of the file. Original documents will usually be returned to you or to the apparent owner.

    Concord Resolutions tries to be as open as it can be in terms of giving people access to their personal information. Individuals can find out if we hold any personal information by making a “subject access request” to the following email address: Complete or by post?

    If we hold information we will:

    • Give you a description of it
    • Tell you why we are holding it
    • Tell you who it could be disclosed to
    • Let you have a copy of the information in an intelligible form.

    You have the right to get copies of your personal information from us in a format that can be easily re-used. You can also ask us to pass on your personal information to other organisations. We cannot pass on information that would contain personal data of other persons

    We understand that, due to the nature of the work we carry out, we often deal with personal information that is sensitive. It is our duty to handle this information correctly and protect it from falling into the wrong hands. We protect it by holding new information on our secure electronic case management system and old information in archives on secure premises. We also seek to send sensitive information by secure methods, either by secure postal services or electronically via secure email. This ensures that only those with the right to view the information can access it.

    Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy notice, the information we hold about you, or how we handle this information:

    • by email:

    • post: 248 Woodstock Road Belfast BT6 9DL

    If you have any further concerns about how we handle your information, you have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who regulate compliance with data protection legislation:

    We keep our Privacy Notice under regular review and we will place any updates on our website.

    Data Protection Law holds all countries in the European Economic Area EEA to the same high standards. If we transfer information outside of the EEA, we will make sure that it is protected to these standards as set out below . We will only send your personal information to countries outside of EEA to:

    Follow your instructions

    Comply with a legal duty or

    Work with other third-party organisations (as detailed above) who we use to help provide our services to you.

    We will always use one or more of these safeguards:

    Transfer it to a non-EEA country with privacy laws that give the same protection as the EEA

    Put in place a contract with the recipient that means they must protect it to the same standards as the EEA or

    Transfer it to organisations that subscribe to Privacy Shield. This is a framework that sets privacy standards for personal information sent between US and EU countries.

    We have circulated this Privacy Notice to a focus group to test how easy to understand and follow it is. We have implemented suggestions received. If however you have any difficulty or comment on the Notice please contact

    Individual’s rights under GDPR

    The right to obtain confirmation that their personal information is being processed, and access to personal information:

    The right to have personal information rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete:

    The right to have personal information erased and to prevent processing, in specific circumstances:

    The right to ‘block’ or suppress processing of personal information, in specific circumstances:

    The right to portability, in specific circumstances:

    The right to object to the processing, in specific circumstances:

    The rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling: